Right to Information Act

For the implementation of Right To Information Act. 2005, following Officers have been nominated as Appellate Authority & Public Information Officer:

Designation and other particulars of the Appellate Authorities & Public Information Officers Appellate Authorities :-

Sr. No. Designation of Officer Contact Number E-mail Area of Jurisdiction
1. Additional Director/Joint Director(Admin) Directorate of Technical Education, HP Sundernagar-175018 01907266572 techedu-hp@nic.in With respect to PIOs of O/o Directorate of Technical Education, Sundernagar and PIOs of all the Govt. ITIs of the State.

Public Information Officers (PIOs):-

Sr. No. Designation of Officer Contact Number E-mail Area of Jurisdiction
1. Principal,Govt. ITI Lachori,P.O. Thakari Matti, Tehsil Salooni, Distt.Chamba, HP-176308 9882177927 itilachori@gmail.com O/o Principal Govt. ITI Lachori,P.O. Thakari Matti, Tehsil Salooni, Distt.Chamba, HP-176308